We work at “small and relevant-scale" for big results.
Strand of Inspiration
What does it mean to feel, to be, inspired?
What pathways to inspiration exist?
Which ones appeal to the individual?
Support and resources to learn about, choose and explore pathways to inspiration and personal leadership
Support to capture the illuminations that arise
Strand of Academic Advising
What fields of inquiry exist?
Where does aptitude and experience lead?
Where does inspiration lead?
What does career exploration, opportunity suggest?
What pathways, patterns and resources for learning exist?
How to develop, execute and refine ongoing lifelong learning strategies and plans?
Strand of Career Coaching
What roles does the marketplace offer?
What qualities and skills are demanded?
What are the current skills of the client (student)?
How does inspiration play in?
Where are the gaps? What career-focused skills does the client choose to develop, offer and pursue?
What career-related learning is needed? How to achieve this?
How can the student (or client) present and advocate for him/her/their self in the most effective way in the marketplace?
How to successfully secure placements, roles and appointments
How to create one’s own roles and contexts as an architect, a designer, an entrepreneur, etc
Dedicated to change.
If support for career is missing, we risk….
Living in ivory towers, not bringing inspiration to life
Failing to be makers, but thinkers and dreamers only
Failing to scale and spread into the world the abundance called forward by our inspiration and our learning
Failing to create wealth to reinvest in creative, generous ventures
How do we measure success?
What are your own goals?
Let’s adopt them, quantify them, track them, and exceed them.
The results can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively